Course title:
Grandmother Mother Course – “I have a plan”: How we plan with purpose, prayer, positivity and persistence to reach our goals.
Course description:
She is good at time management and can help us develop our own system by realizing our strengths and challenges. Proficient in planning and organizing, she knows her limitations. She knows how to get the help she needs. She does not overdo it. Her role is to pass the baton to the next generation. Grandmother Mother also realizes that we have to take time to train and communicate with persons assisting us to give them the direction they need. Yet she is wise enough to consider alternatives that have developed more recently if they are more beneficial.
Grandmother Mother will assure us that being a Superwoman is garbage and makes sure our priority is taking care of ourselves first so we can take care of others! Many hands make light work. —African proverb. True liberation is knowing we are in this together and share responsibilities. It is also important to cultivate sharing of knowledge and information from youth to their elders. Taking time to help our elders assists our youth with the development of patience. Taking the time to pass the torch ensures continuity. This Mother teaches us how we plan with purpose, prayer, positivity and persistence to reach our goals.
General Course Purpose:
How we plan with purpose, prayer, positivity and persistence to reach our goals. Our role is to pass the baton to the next generation.
Course Prerequisites:
Openness to the possibility that life is what you make it, knowing that if you don’t have courage to take a leap of faith that life’s lessons will kick you in the rear!
I was happy and contented, I knew nothing better and made the best out of what life offered. —Grandma Moses
Course Objectives:
Grandmother Mother teaches us resiliency. She was able to continue to create and recreate herself as the conditions around her and her life change. As we age we can simply get older or become elders. I am not looking forward to doing nothing and withering away as I age. Being overburdened slows us down, weakens us, and can grind our progress to a halt, and then our bodies just give out on us. I am looking forward to a new beginnings where I can use the experience and perceptions from life to share with others in an even more meaningful and profound way. Our minds move much more swiftly than our bodies can manifest. We, by ourselves, will never get it done, and humanity will never be finished.
Major Topics to be included: